
Test Reporting

In software test automation, after the completion of test suite execution we need a report for the execution status and it is the only evidence for the “Pass” and “Fail” status of the tests. To overcome reporting issues, Bugraptors makes use of Extent Reports, that provide very interactive and one page report that could be e-mailed.

Not satisfied with your application’s test reports? Your search ends here.

How the reporting is done?

After test suite executions using TestNG or Junit, by default we get the HTML reports, but the information provided by these reports is not so good in terms of one page summary of the test, though that can also be emailed to the team and stakeholders of the project but still have good scope of improvement. To avoid this, we have other options like XSLT reports, these are much better than normal TestNG and Junit reports. These will display a pie chart to represent the pass, fail and skip test cases. Apart from this Pie chart, it will not give any more information in the generated HTML report. If we want any other information we need to write separate code.

Advantages of Extent Reports

  • Displays the status in the form of Pie chart.
  • Can generate reports Online or Offline as per the requirement.
  • Screenshots can be displayed in the report wherever required.
  • Recordings of the test runs can be added in the report.
  • Test method name is customizable
  • Generates stepwise log information in the report
  • Segregates the tests using Test categories

Types Of Web Testing


Functional Testing

Functional Testing is based on the functionality of the program. It involves only observation of the output for certain input values.


Performance testing

Performance testing is done to find how a system is performing under a particular workload in terms of responsiveness and stability.


Usability Testing

Usability tests helps to find the difficulties faced by people with a product and provide valuable solutions for improvement.


Compatibility testing

Compatibility testing verifies the compatibility of a software on different platforms under different conditions.

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